
How Does Vulnerability Management Benefit You?

Written by Waits Sharpe | Feb 14, 2023 4:36:27 PM

Vulnerabilities Always Exist

Every organization has vulnerabilities. Some may be critical while others are inherent to the industry. Unfortunately, this doesn't change the fact that cyber criminals are constantly on the lookout for ways to exploit those vulnerabilities and gain access to your private data.

In order to protect your organization you must have a solid grasp on where your vulnerabilities are and how to remediate them. This is where vulnerability management helps.

Why do You Need to Manage Your Vulnerabilities?

Falling victim to a cyber attack or data breach is no joke. The first half of 2022 saw over 230 million cyber attacks alone lending to the notion that ransomware and other forms of attack are not going anywhere anytime soon. More likely than not your organization will be targeted by a bad actor if you haven't already, this means that your business should operate as if an attack is inevitable and manage your vulnerabilities accordingly.

The Benefits of Vulnerability Management

Finding and remediating the gaps in your security can protect your IT systems from intruders while also protecting you from potential legal trouble or financial loss. Having an established vulnerability management plan also reduces the amount of downtime your business will face if they are hit by a cyber attack letting your employees get back to work as soon as possible in the event of an outage.

Many industries must also comply with various regulatory bodies including CMMC, HIPAA, etc. Your organization can better prepare for auditing if you have an inventory and record of all the assets you scanned for vulnerabilities and patched.

What Can You Do?

Vulnerability Management can be a difficult task for small-medium sized businesses. Often times these companies are forced to choose between security and day-to-day business operations. This choice combined with budgetary concerns and time constraints can cause organizations to shy away from vulnerability management.

CorpInfoTech offers a vulnerability management solution for these exact needs. V360, a vulnerability management service offering by CorpInfoTech, takes a holistic approach to security. Through active and passive scanning we can offer you a view of all your organizations gaps and security flaws. We work with a multitude of industries in both a co-managed and fully managed capacity, meaning our services are customizable to your unique business needs.

Let’s Chat About Vulnerability Management - Reach out to us below . . .
 CorpInfoTech (Corporate Information Technologies) provides small to mid-market organizations with expert I.T. services including compliance assessment, cybersecurity penetration tests, and comprehensive business continuity planning services. CorpInfoTech can help organizations, quantify, create, refine, and mitigate the risks presented by business threatening disasters in whatever form they may be disguised.